Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday May 8th

This week has been a busy one as we finish our letter writing unit. The students have enjoyed writing letters.

This week has also exposed the students to division for the first time.  They are coming along nicely after they exceeded all expectations in multiplication unit. 

Tomorrow they will have an opportunity to attend the Mother's day vendor fair.  All the gifts are priced under $10.

Happy Mother's day to all the moms out there.  I hope your weekend is a special and relaxing one.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday May 1

This week we have been working hard on our times tables.  It's been remarkable watching the students soak it all in.

In language we've been learning about writing letters. The students have written to their favourite fairy tale characters.  They should soon be blogged for all to read on

We have also learned how to put words into alphabetical order. We will be using dictionaries to help with our spelling from now on.

Congratulations to Hailee and Gavin for winning this month's class awards.  Keep up the good work!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday April 24

Today was a good day.  The students worked very hard using contractions.

In math, we began to learn about multiplication.  They are so excited to use their flashcards that they made this afternoon.

Have a great evening. 

Just a reminder, pizza orders are due Monday.

Mr. M

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday April 22

Today we got back into the swing of things.  The students were eager to share their weekend experiences with each other. We should see them on the blog tomorrow. 

Please be advised that the dental screeners were in today to see the grade 2's and an envelope went home with each one.

Please ask your child for their pizza order forms which also went home tonight.  They are due back no later than Monday morning.  The following picture is the pizza order in case yours was lost/destroyed.

Have a great night!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday April 16

Today we wrote letters to the Easter Bunny. The students are trying to be very careful to use capital letters when they are required.  We are also focused on using the proper punctuation for every sentence. You will be able to find these letters on once they are edited and published tomorrow. 

We began to learn about mass today.  The boys and girls had a great discussion about the factors that effect the mass of an object. We went through a demonstration where the students had to predict what object would have a greater mass.

Here are a few shots of the students hard at work.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday April 14

Today we had a good literacy block where the students worked on their oral communication skills telling us about their weekends.
The students have been working on speaking to a group. They are getting more comfortable every day.
In math we continued to work on capacity.  We are working on our estimation skills.  It is a tough concept but we're getting there.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday April 10th

The students have been showing steady improvement on the blog. They continue to show great interest in their writing as well as the writing of others.

In math we continue to work with Mass and Capacity.  We have been learning to conduct experiments to solve our problems.  We have also learned how to take information from a tally chart and put it into a graph.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday April 8th

This post will cover both Monday and Tuesday.

First off I'd like to wish Brayden a happy birthday.  His birthday was Monday.  I hope you had a great day!

In math we have begun a new unit. We are now learning about capacity and mass. Today we did an experiment testing the capacity of different containers. 

In language arts we continue to plug away at proper sentence structure and punctuation. The student's writing continue to improve.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday April 4th

Today we had a chance to do some blogging.  We are still experiencing growing pains and some technology issues but we're persevering.  The students are very determined.

We finished our unit of 2 digit addition and subtraction. The students have worked very hard and showed steady improvement over the last 3 weeks.

Check our the hard working students below. 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday April 3rd

Today in literacy the students continued with the Daily 5. The reading improvements have been great to see. 

In math, we finished a review of addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers. 

The fish fry is Friday at the K of C hall from 4:30-6:30.

Check out our posters.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday April 2nd

Today we had a good day.  In literacy the students began reading a new set of books at the guided reading center.  These books are intended to challenge them and broaden their vocabulary.
We concluded our lessons on 2 digit subtraction and will be reviewing both 2 digit addition and subtraction on Thursday. 
The students are learning about advertising in media literacy. They have been creating a poster for Friday's Fish Fry. Ask them about the "5 W's".
Have a great night!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday April 1st

This post covers Monday and Tuesday's news. 
On Monday we began or grade 2 testing.  The students seemed to have no issues with the format. The testing will be completed today.

I would like to congratulate both Brayden and Hanna for winning the class' Citizenship awards.  Thank you for being such good friends to your classmates.

Today we welcomed Alex into our class. Alex joins us from Windsor. It was nice to make a new friend today.

Tomorrow is Autism Awareness day, we are encouraging the students to wear blue.

The Parents Council is doing a fish fry at the K of C Hall this Friday from 4:30-6:30. Come out and enjoy a great fish dinner and support the school at the same time.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday March 28, 2014

Today the class spent some time with Mrs. Hazel and her grade 4 class.  We learned all the ins and outs of the kidblog program. 

It is awesome seeing the enormous improvements that you guys have made on your posts in a few short weeks. 

Below is a link that will give you direct access to kidblog.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday March 27th

I apologize about the blog this week.  I have been away for a couple days.

Today we worked in small groups during literacy.  We worked together at the listening centers, the writing centers and we read stories to each other. See photos.
The students enjoyed the grade 8's bake sale today.  The grade 8's thank you for the support.

Tomorrow we have a special treat during literacy.  We also have Phys.Ed period three. Please bring proper shoes.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday March 21st / 2014

Today the students explored kidblog.  They are learning how to attach a picture to their blog postings.  It is so exciting as they surprise themselves with their abilities and watching how proud they are of their work.

We had a very energetic Phys Ed. period today.  We are learning how to be good teammates and how to both win and lose.
It is a work in progress. Stay tuned.

Please return your child's testing permission form for Monday.

Thank you and enjoy your weekend. 
