Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday March 28, 2014

Today the class spent some time with Mrs. Hazel and her grade 4 class.  We learned all the ins and outs of the kidblog program. 

It is awesome seeing the enormous improvements that you guys have made on your posts in a few short weeks. 

Below is a link that will give you direct access to kidblog.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday March 27th

I apologize about the blog this week.  I have been away for a couple days.

Today we worked in small groups during literacy.  We worked together at the listening centers, the writing centers and we read stories to each other. See photos.
The students enjoyed the grade 8's bake sale today.  The grade 8's thank you for the support.

Tomorrow we have a special treat during literacy.  We also have Phys.Ed period three. Please bring proper shoes.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday March 21st / 2014

Today the students explored kidblog.  They are learning how to attach a picture to their blog postings.  It is so exciting as they surprise themselves with their abilities and watching how proud they are of their work.

We had a very energetic Phys Ed. period today.  We are learning how to be good teammates and how to both win and lose.
It is a work in progress. Stay tuned.

Please return your child's testing permission form for Monday.

Thank you and enjoy your weekend. 


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday March 20, 2014

Today the students used their new blogs for the first time.  They really seemed to enjoy the opportunity of writing and publishing their work.  They liked the chance to read what their classmates wrote as well.

The students continued to work on 2 digit addition.  Things are coming along nicely.  They are working very hard. 

Have a great night!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday March 19, 2014

Today we worked hard during literacy.  The students have been reading well as they have shared their skills with both their peers and myself. We did some comprehension work using the smartboard and today as well.

We also worked hard solving word problems using pictures, numbers and words during the math block. Check out a sample of our learning below.

Please send back your signed permission form for the grade 2 testing scheduled to commence on Monday.

Monday, March 17, 2014


Hello, my name is Mr. McLennan. I will be covering for Mrs. Cipkar while she is away on maternity leave through June 30th. 
I will use this blog on a daily basis
to keep you informed of the daily activities, important dates and information as well as nightly assignments. 
The blog is an easy way for you to remain informed and an active participant in your son's/daughter's learning.